管架柱基础、设备基础施工方案 construction plan of foundation for pipe rack stand and equipment 一、工程概况 Engineering summary 冷冻站有独立阶形柱基础8个、冷冻机组基础2个、冷冻水泵基础2个、冷冻水箱基础1个、分气缸基础2个、凝水回收器基础1个。 The cooling station has 8 absolute stairs-shape stand foundations, 2 freezer set foundations, 2 freezing pump foundations, 1 cooling water box foundation, 2 atmolysis vat foundations, and 1 condensation water withdrawer foundation. 7030/7031管架阶形柱基础2个、7032管架阶形柱基础4个、7310/7311管架阶形柱基础6个、7313/7314管架阶形柱基础10个、7312管架阶形柱基础4个、7315管架阶形柱基础4个、7316管架阶形柱基础6个、7317管架阶形柱基础2个、7318管架阶形柱基础2个。 2 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7030/7031 pipe rack, 4 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7312 pipe rack, 6 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7310/7311 pipe rack, 10 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7313/7314 pipe rack, 4 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7312 pipe rack, 4 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7315 pipe rack, 6 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7316 pipe rack, 2 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7317 pipe rack, 2 stairs-shape stand foundations for 7318 pipe rack. 砼强度等级为C25,基础钢筋保护层不小于40㎜, 底板钢筋为Ф14@150双层双向,框架柱基础内预埋4M30螺栓,丝扣长100㎜。阶形柱基础顶,待柱安装后用30㎜厚1:2水泥砂浆找平层填实。 The concrete strength grade is C25, the thickness of the reinforcing steel bar protection layer for foundation shall be not less than 40㎜, the reinforcing steel bar for motherboard isФ14@150 double layer and bidirection. There are 4M30 bolts being pre-buried in the frame stand foundation and the screw thread is 100mm long. The top of the stairs-shape stand foundations will be smoothed and filled with 30mm thick 1:2 concrete sand slurry. 基础地基承载力特征值:土质地基0.18MPa,岩石地基0.4 MPa。对基础超深部分采用:岩石地基C15毛石混凝土换填,土质地基用砂夹石分层夯实后的地基承载力f≥180KPa。地质较好的基础不换填,采用100㎜厚的C10素混凝土垫层。 The eigenvalue of the foundation’s bearing capacity is: terrene foundation is 0.18MPa,rock foundation is 0.4 MPa. For deeper part of the foundation, adopt: rock foundation will be filled with C15 rubble concrete instead, the bearing capacity of terrene foundation will be more than 180KPa (f≥180KPa) after being tamped with sand and rubble by layers. The foundation with good terrene will not be filled with other materials but adopt 100㎜ thick C10 plain concrete for cushion. 二、作业程序work procedure 定位放线 →搭设防护栏 →土方开挖 →坚石切割或风镐开凿 → 探座→基坑槽检验→C15毛石混凝土换填或砂夹石换填→浇C10混凝土垫层→钢筋绑扎→模板安装→预埋铁件安装→混凝土浇筑→拆模→混凝土养护→回填夯实→环境恢复。 Orientation and setting line→setting safety rail→earthwork excavation→firm rock cutting or air pick cutting→test basis→test foundation groove → fill with C15 rubble concrete instead or with sand rubble instead →irrigate C10 concrete cushion→banding the reinforcing steel bar→template installation→pre-buried iron parts installation→concrete irrigation→remove template→concrete maintance→backfilling and tamping the earthwork→environment recovering 三、基础定位放线及标高测设 Pipe orientation and setting line and elevation measurement 1、根据基础布景情况,本工程定位座标点采用全站仪进行测量,依据场内导线控制点,测定基础中心的坐标和标高,并在坑槽1米以外做标志。如果是土打入钢筋或木桩钉上小钉后用水泥砂浆保护,如果是混凝土路面打上油漆,保证轴线位置的准确性。 One range finder will be used to measure the orientation coordinate points of the project according to the pipe arrangement. Measure the coordinate and elevation of the pipe centre lines according to the lead line control point in the site. And make marks along the axial line beyond 1m from the excavate line. Insert reinforcing steel bar or wood pile with nails and reinforce it with concrete sand slurry if the foundation is earthwork, or paint if the foundation is concrete, and ensure the correction of the axial. 2、施工测量中,所测量结果应根据《工程测量规范》GB50026-93的要求进行校核. 其误差:中心线端点测设在±5㎜内,中心线投点±10㎜内。 During the construction measurement. The measurement results should be reviewed according to <Engineering Measurement Specification>GB50026-93. the error is in the allowed scale. The error that measured at the ends of the center line is within ±5㎜, the error of the center line shaft plumbing is within ±10㎜. 3、标高测设以现场布置的测量控制网水准点为依据。 The measurement and setting of elevation base on the bench mark of the site management measurement control net. 4、放线后将测量结果报验,经CWEC专业工程师现场复核,确认无误并签字后才可进行开挖作业。 Report the measuring result for check after paying off. Carry out excavation work after reviewed by the CWEC professional engineer on site, and confirmed and signed. 四、基础开挖施工方法 Construction plan for foundation excavation 1、开工前办理动火作业票和开工作业票。根据基础大小、埋设深度和边坡系数放出开挖线。 Transact the fire work permit and kick-off permit before starting work. Set the excavation line according to the size of the foundation, burying depth and the gradient of the pipe groove slope. 2、基础开挖前在生产装置内两边应搭设2米高防护钢管栏杆和隔板,生产装置外两边搭设1米高防护钢管栏杆隔板。钢管立柱离边口的距离不小于500,栏杆刷红白相间油漆二遍,栏杆上绑扎预制隔板。隔板用∠30×3做成2000×1000方框,拉铆1㎜厚铁皮,铁皮两面刷铁红醇酸底漆一遍,刷绿色醇酸磁漆二遍。 Protective steel rail and separating board which is 2.0m high should be set around both sides of the groove before excavating in the plant, and which is 1.0m high should be set out of the plant before excavating. The distance between the steel stand column and the groove edge should not be less than 500. The rail should be painted two twice with yellow and black paint and bound with pre-fabricate separating board. The frames are made of ∠30×3 which size is 2000×1000 and separating boards are made of thick iron sheet which thickness is 1mm. Both sides of the iron sheet are painted with iron oxide red alcoholic acid paint for one time and green alcoholic acid enamel paint for two times. 4、生产装置外基础开挖,坚石采用岩石开采切割机(KJ560-10型)加人工开凿的方法;土方开挖采用人工;页岩采用风镐凿打。所有开挖的石方应及时外运至杨柳冲,土方运到原醋酸项目办公楼外西南角处堆放。 The excavation of the foundation out of the producing plant will adopt: firm stone will mainly adopt rock extraction cutting machine (KJ560-10 type) and supplementarily manpower. Earthwork will adopt by manpower. Shale will adopt air pick. All the stonework will be transported to YangLiuChong in time, the earthwork will be transported to the southwest corner beside the original acetic acid item office building. 5、装置内基础开挖,基础坚石采用切割机加人工开凿的方法,松石采用风镐开凿,土方用人工开挖。开挖时若遇到地下有砖或砂保护的地方,应立即停工,并汇报CWEC、PMT确认是否有管道或电缆线,若有应待CWEC和YARACO提出处理方案或采取措施后才能进行开挖。 The excavation of the foundation inside the producing plant will adopt: foundation stone will adopt rock extraction cutting machine and manpower, and slack rock will adopt air pick. Stop working and report CWEC or PMT if there is some places that protected by brick or grit when excavating. CWEC or PMT will check whether there is pipe or cable. Excavation may begin after processing scheme or measures have been taken by CWEC or PMT. 6、当地下水较小时采用人工排除,地下水较大时采用Φ50潜水泵及时抽排。管沟边坡的坡度根据土质实际情况按规范确定,但不小于1:0.3。开挖断面图如下: Dig a catchment pool (500×500×500) in the groove before excavating. The pool should be deepened along with the digging of the groove. The water should be removed artifical if it is less and removed byΦ50submersible pump if it is more. The gradient of the slope of the foundation is 1:0.3. The sectional drawing of pipe excavation as follows: 7、当开挖至设计基底标高后,应对坑底进行保护,组织CWEC和PMT共同进行验槽,以便确保地基持力层的强度与设计图纸要求是否相符,经验槽合格并填写基坑槽隐蔽验收记录签字确认后,才能进行垫层施工。对基础超深部分采用C15毛石混凝土换填。 Protect the foundation of the groove and organize CWEC and PMT to check the groove together when the elevation of base meet the design requirement so as to ensure that the ground force-supporting layer intensity accord with the design drawing. Covering will be carried out after recording the foundation groove secret test and signing to confirm. For deeper part of the foundation, adopt C15 rubble concrete to fill instead. 五、土方回填 Earthwork backfilling 1、填方土料应符合设计要求,保证填方的强度和稳定性,粘性土、碎石类土、砂土和石渣(粒径不大于每层铺厚的2/3)均可用于基础周围土方回填。该工程基础周围回填土方差的部分采用借土回填。 The filling earthwork should accord with the design requirement. Ensure the intensity and stability of the earthwork. Viscosity earthwork, breakstone sand and stone ballast (grain size not more than 2/3 thickness of every layer) can be used as filling around the foundation; The lacking backfilling earthwork will adopt borrowing earthwork for the engineering foundation. 15、基坑(槽)回填在拆模后立即进行,采用手推车送土,以人工用铁锹、锄等工具进行回填,用人工石夯或蛙式打夯机夯实。 The foundation groove backfilling should be carried out immediately after removing the template. Transport earthwork with handcart and backfill with spades or hoes and then tamp with frog tamper or manpower stone tamper. 16、填土应从最低处开始,由下向上整个宽度分层铺填夯实。基坑(槽)回填应在相对两侧或四周同时进行回填与夯实。 Backfilling start from the lowest place. Backfill and tamp and roll the whole scale by layer from the bottom up. Backfill and tamp the two sides of or around of the foundation groove at the same time. 17、人力打夯前应将填土初步整平,打夯要按一定方向进行,一夯压半夯,夯夯相接,行行相连,两遍纵横交叉,分层夯打。 Level and smooth the fill before manpower tamping. Tamp the fill in orientation and one by one tamper. Each layer should be tamped two twice crisscross. 18、用蛙式打夯机夯实时,填土厚度不宜大于250㎜,打夯之前对填土应初步平整,打夯机依次夯打,均匀分布,不留间隙。 The thickness of the fill should not be more than 250mm when using flog tamper. Level and smooth the fill before tamping. Tamp one by one time , Uniform distribution, and leave no gap. 六、模板安装installation of template 1、管架基础和设备基础模板采用木肋板或组合钢模板,木肋板采用上铺贴层板的方式。 Pipe rack foundation and equipment foundation template use wood slab or steel template. 2、阶形基础模板每一台阶模板由四块侧块拼钉而成,其中两块侧板的尺寸与相应的台阶侧面尺寸相等;另两块侧板的长度应比相应的台阶侧面长度大150~200㎜,高度与其相等,四块侧板用木档拼成方框。 For staircase foundation template, template at each staircase is rigged up by 4 slabs, 2 of which are equal to staircase size and the other 2 of which is 150-200 longer than staircase and equal to height. 3、上台阶模板的其中两块侧板的最下一块要加长,以便搁置在下层台阶模板上,下层台阶的四周要设斜撑及平撑。斜撑和平撑一端钉在侧板的木挡上;另一端顶紧在木桩上。上台阶的四周也要用斜撑和平撑支撑,斜撑和平撑的一端钉在上台阶侧板的木档上;另一端可钉在下台阶侧板的木档顶上。 The lowest template of the 2 side templates at upper staircase should be extended so that they can stand at lower staircase template which should be set with diagonal bracing and level brace. One end of the diagonal bracing and the level brace will be nailed to the wood baffles; and the other end will be nailed to the wood piles. The upper staircase should be set with diagonal bracing and level brace, and one end of the diagonal bracing and the level brace shall be nailed to the wood baffles of the upper staircase side template, and another end shall be nailed to the wood baffle top of the lower staircase templates. 4、模板安装时,先在侧板内侧划出中线,在基坑垫层上弹出基础中心线。把各台阶侧板拼成框,然后把下台阶模板放在基坑底,两者中线互相对准,并用水平仪校正其标高,在模板周围钉上木桩。上台阶模板放在下台阶模板上的安装方法相同。 When installing template, firstly plot center line inside side template and then plot foundation center line on the foundation pit cushion. Make all side templates into square and align two center lines and check elevation with level gauge. Pile around the templates then. The installation method for the setting of upper staircase template on lower template is as the same. 七、地脚螺栓和地脚螺栓孔的留设reserve of anchor bolt and its hole 1、地脚螺栓孔的留设,采用12厚细木工板拼钉模板并作成上大下小锥度,以便于拔出。表面要涂隔离剂,待混凝土达到一定强度后,用撬棒拆碎取出。 Anchor bolt is reserved with fine wood slab of 12 thick rigged up like a cone for pulling. The surface is applied with isolation agent and pulled out when concrete reach required strength. 2、管架地脚螺栓的固定 其定位埋没方法采用空装模板做成定位架,空装模板用8厚钢板100宽做成井字架,长宽均为700。将地脚螺栓下端用Φ10钢筋与短柱主筋焊牢,上端穿入空装模板预留孔内并套上螺帽,空装模板安装在基础模板顶面上。以便拆下后周转利用, secure of pipe rack anchor bolt: it is positioned and embedded, using template as positioner which is shaped with steel sheet of 8 thick,100 wide, 700 long. Securely weld anchor bolt bottom to short stake main Reinforcing bar with Φ10 Reinforcing bar and its head is through template preserved hole with nut on. The template is installed at foundation template head for reuse after removal. 3、地脚螺栓安装时注意预埋螺杆的垂直度和露出丝扣长度。丝扣的保护采用在浇筑混凝土前将丝扣打上黄油并用塑料布包扎。 When installing anchor bolt, pay attention to the perpendicularity of bolt body and exposed length of screw. Screw is protected with grease and well wrapped prior to grouting. 4、预埋铁件的固定采用在预埋铁板的四角钻孔,用50㎜长铁钉钉在木枋上,木枋定位在基础模板的顶面上进行对位,要求预埋铁件与基础顶面齐平。 Embedded parts are secured, using drill holes on 4 corners of embedded steel sheet and then nailing to the wooden beam with 50mm long nails. Wood slab is positioned at foundation template top for aligning, requiring embedded part flat with foundation top. 八、钢筋加工、安装Reinforcing bar wrapping 1、加工前,检查钢筋合格证、出厂检验报告和进场复检报告。 Check reinforcing steel bar for quality certificate, inspection report for leaving factory and re-inspection report for entrance. 2、钢筋加工在场外进行,用工程车运到现场绑扎。加工好的钢筋分类堆放好,作好标注。 Reinforcing steel bar is processed out of the site, and delivered to wrap place with truck for banding. Reinforcing bar is stored and labeled properly. 3、钢筋安装时,受力钢筋的品种、级别、规格和数量必须符合设计要求,钢筋安装位置的偏差应符合规范要求。 The types, class and quantity of the bearing reinforcing steel bar must accord with the design requirement when installing. The installation error of the reinforcing bar must accord with the specification. 4、钢筋绑扎。在混凝土垫层上画出钢筋位置线后,绑扎底板钢筋网,四周两行钢筋交叉点应每点扎牢,中间部分交叉点可相隔交错扎牢,但必须保证受力钢筋不位移。双层钢筋之间用Ф10钢筋铁马凳固定支撑。基础短柱钢筋采用在竖向钢筋上用粉笔划线然后绑扎箍筋,绑扎时,用钢管把钢筋垂直度控制好。 Wrapping Reinforcing bar: plot Reinforcing bar position at concrete and wrap bottom Reinforcing bar net. Every cross point of the two reinforcing steel bar around should be wrapped all. The cross point of center part may be wrapped interlaced, but ensure that there is no distance for the reinforcing steel bar. Double Reinforcing bar is supported with Ф10 Reinforcing bar. For foundation short stake Reinforcing bar, plot line with pencil on vertical Reinforcing bar, then wrap steel hoop, ensuring proper perpendicularity of steel pipe and Reinforcing bar. 5、钢筋保护层垫块用1:1水泥砂浆制作50×50×50㎜,在垂直方向使用垫块时,在垫块中埋入20#铁丝。 Reinforcing bar protection shim is shaped to 50×50×50㎜ made of 1:1 cement mortar. Bury some 20# iron wire in the shim when using it in vertical orientation 6、钢筋的交叉点应采用铁丝扎牢; Reinforcing bar crossing point should be secured with wire. 7、柱、板的箍筋,应与受力钢筋垂直;箍筋弯钩叠合处应沿受力钢筋方向错开设置。 Steel hoop of pillar and slab is perpendicular with tensile Reinforcing bar. Steel hoop bend overlap area should stagger along tensile Reinforcing bar direction. 九、混凝土的浇筑 concrete grouting 1、水泥选用重庆地维水泥厂生产的R32.5或R42.5普通水泥,细骨料为长江特细砂,粗骨料为5~40㎜卵石,水为自来水。 Select type R32.5 or R42.5 concrete which is produced by CQ DiWei Concrete factory. The fine aggregate is ChangJiang River very fine sand, the coarse aggregate is 5~40㎜scree, and the water is tap water. 2、混凝土用的水泥应检查产品合格证、出厂检验报告和进场复验报告,砂、卵石应按规定进行检查和试验,并作好记录。 Check the concrete for quality certificate, inspection report for leaving factory and re-inspection report for entrance. Check and test the sand and scree according to the regular and keep record. 3、混凝土施工配合比在进场后立即将原材料送长寿区质检站配制,首次使用的混凝土配合比应进行开盘鉴定,其工作性应满足设计配合比的要求。 When concrete mixture ratio is arrived, send raw material to Changshou quality inspection bureau for mixing. The concrete mixture ratio that used for the first time should be inspected open quotation, and the work performance should meet the requirement of the design mixture ratio. 4、搅拌采用JDY—350D型强制式搅拌机,搅拌最短时间120s,搅拌最短时间是指自全部材料装入搅拌筒中起,到开始卸料止的时间。 Blend with JDY-350D model compulsory blender. Its shortest blending time is 120s. The shortest blending time means the period from all materials are loaded into blender drum until dis- 配套讲稿:
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- 管架柱 基础 设备 道路 施工 方案
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